5 Ways to Secure Your Bank Transaction Details from Intruders...!! By AffanSoftS
With the exponential rise of internet users, everything from purchasing to paying bills can be done online at the click of a mouse and from the comfort of your home. However, at times this comfort and convenience can cause you dear when you fall victim to the identity theft. Despite being efficient and a convenient option, online banking can be risky and you therefore you must install internet security software like antivirus firewall to check any malicious activities. Enumerated here are five useful ways to secure bank transaction details from intruders.
Be Cautious in Giving your Bank Transaction Details on Websites:
Most of the frauds and scams take place due to your callousness. Do not disclose your personal bank account details on any website. If it is required, then you should make sure that the website is absolutely securely and safe (It should have an SSL security Certification Symbol). Also, the login details and password should never be disclosed anywhere. They should also be changed at regular intervals. If the password is alphanumeric then it is better or you can add special characters like colon or asterisks.
Use Secure and Data Encrypted Web Session:
While making online transactions, you should confirm that you are doing so in an absolutely secure and data-encrypted web sessions. You should render any type of financial or personal information only when you have confirmed this. Prior to visiting any banking website, you should ensure that its Universal Resource Locator begins with �https� and not with �http.� The additional �s� in the URL denotes that all the security measures are taken by the maintainers of that site. Also, do not forget to sign out of your account after completing the transaction. If you are not able to do so on another computer then in all probabilities, your account is being accessed by someone else.
Secure Your PC:
To secure your bank transaction details from the intruders, you have to secure your computer first. You should maintain the protective and the latest antivirus software program. Always ensure to install all the security patches available in your OS. Keep the software updated. Firewall antivirus program prevents any type of unauthorized intruders to your network. Always keep on updating your OS and the browser which you normally use by downloading the latest versions that have enhanced security features. Apart from using firewall and security patches, you should also choose and strong passwords that are not obvious.
Never Disclose your Bank Account Information:
Never commit the blunder of responding to phishing or spoofs. These are the e-mails send in bulk and appear like genuine but they actually come with the purpose of intruding into your bank account by the identity thieves. These mails state things like: check the problems in your account or other urgent messages which are spoofs. Once you click through the scam website and entered your bank a/c details there, you would be in for a trouble. Secure and reliable sites like PayPal never send such e-mails their customers so beware and do not furnish the information about your bank account anywhere. Also, make use of only one browser and keep it updated.
Pay attention:
Discover the breach as soon as possible because if you take a lot of time in discovering your breach you have to pay the cost of it. As per the Federal Trade Commission, you are at a higher risk of falling into the trap of identity thieves, if you find the breach in six-month time or earlier. After six months, your chances of losing not only money increases. Also, you will spend most of times in handling this situation.
Final Thought:
There are several measures using which you can keep your bank transaction safe and secure. For instance:
- Disable the auto-fill feature of your browser.
- Never trust any company that you do not know and do the transaction only with verified and secured websites.
- Keep tabs on your online transactions and monitor them regularly.
- Make sure to check your bank statements on a regular basis. If there is any discrepancy. If It is there then you should notify it to the bank instantly.
- Closely examine the privacy policy statements of your bank.
- Disable file and printer sharing to cut down on the vulnerable entry points for the identity thieves.
Author Bio: Hello, my name is Julie Fernandez. I am a blogger and a web content developer. I have written on several niches. PayPal is the most secure way to make online transactions. If you want your banktransactions to be absolutely secure you need to take PayPal Help.
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